
Simplifying Documentation and Billing for Sex and Intimacy Goals

Documentation and billing are often the perceived showstoppers for doing sex and intimacy interventions.  Let me tell you, I get a ton of questions about this, so you are not alone if you’re wondering,

“how the heck do I bill for, ‘Ronnie will mount Sammie during sex with mod I”?

So here is a quick and dirty blog post about documentation and billing to match the actual simplicity of this task.   



First off, I don’t write goals like the one above. (Although straight to the point, it doesn't quite meet the expectations of a S.M.A.R.T. goal ;) )

But, here are some examples of goals I do write, which specifically have to do with sex and intimacy.  Please note, they are generalized so you'll want to modify them to the clinic you work in and the assessments you typically use:

  1. Client will engage in sexual activity with a decrease (insert pain scale) in self-reported pain. 
  2. Client will engage in...
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