
[Research Spotlight] LGBTQIA+ Affirmative Care: Upholding Professional Responsibilities

I recently read an AJOT study that I couldn’t wait to share with you all as it shows the power of continuing education.

A study conducted last year by Bolding et al. (2022) examined the knowledge, clinical preparedness, and attitudinal awareness of occupational therapy practitioners, in regards to the LGBTQIA+ folks. This self-report study was broken down by category and found that on a scale of 1-7, respondents scored a mean of 4.7 in their Knowledge about queer populations, 4.4 in Clinical Preparedness, and 5.6 in Attitudinal Awareness.

There were a number of factors that contributed to respondents scoring significantly higher in all three sub-scales, including a graduate degree in OT, past or present experience in mental health settings, or respondents with a close friend or family member who identifies as SGM (sexual gender minorities e.g., agender, bisexual, gay, lesbian, gay, gender non-conforming, transgender). Academic preparedness and continuing education...

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Talking Cultural Curiosity with University of Pittsburgh COTAD

The University of Pittsburgh COTAD (Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity) Chapter conducted a training on "Culturally Inclusive ADLs" that, with their permission, I had to pass along to my crew! Their personal mission is to promote diversity, equity and inclusion within the Pittsburgh OT community and empower students to be more comprehensive and effective clinicians. How awesome is that!?


This was an illuminating training presented by COTAD and three speakers who discussed activity analysis related to their grooming, dressing, spiritual, and other meaningful occupations.  While they provided insights into their own routines and rituals, all of the speakers centered the importance of asking culturally curious questions, for example "what products do you use?" or "can you walk me through your morning self-care routine?" Our clients all have routines and rituals, which can be culturally influenced or meaningful, but still are unique...

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