
Four Interventions to Address Hypersexualization, Asexualization, & Fetishization

Photo credited to Disabled and Here.

Kathryn collaborated with Dr. Jess Gagui again for this week's blog as a follow up to their last blog focused on the historical context of hypersexualization and fetishization of BIPOC women and femmes.  Be sure to give that a read if you haven't already.  This week focuses on intervention strategies you can use when working with folks who voice experiences of hypersexualization, fetishization, asexualization, and body criticism for not fitting the standard of beauty: for example, white, thin, able bodied.  While last week's blog centered BIPOC women and femmes, we think you’ll find these intervention strategies helpful for many other populations you work with. 


Clients’ experiences related to identity and culture aren’t off limits to clinicians:

Clinicians can, rightfully so, feel cautions to challenge what clients admit as cultural messages.  For example, "I grew up in a Catholic home and...

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AOTAā€™s Post-Dobbs Task Force Report: OTā€™s Role in Reproductive Health Promotion and Sexual Health

Bottom line up front: While this report is sobering and presents many gaps, we'd like to highlight this Community of Sex & Intimacy OT Champions who are actively addressing sexual health with their clients.  You are trailblazers and change makers and your clients are lucky to be working with you.  

Click here to read the report. 


Read on to learn more…  

After the June 2022 Supreme Court decision “Dobb’s v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization” Alyson Stover, AOTA President, and Micheal Urban, the RA Speaker, requested a Post-Dobbs Task Force to identify the impact of the ruling on OT clients and OT practitioners.  The task force, chaired by Emily Rothman and Rakhi Srivastava, identified areas within OTs scope of practice that are directly impacted by the Dobbs decision and generated a plan to address these areas and maximize OTs impact on those affected by the...

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Considerations for OT Clients who are BIPOC Women: Why Sexuality Has to be Viewed from an Intersectional Lens

Photo credited to Disabled and Here.

Bottom Line Upfront: Halloween season is upon us.  We’re doing a deep dive into exactly why people should not dress up as a “sexy version” of another culture’s attire, for example a sexy Native American or a Geisha. If you need a nudge on this or are curious to learn more...read on!


The history of how society has molded perceptions of women is a multifaceted narrative that has endured for centuries, influenced by cultural, regional, and media representations. Women have often found themselves defined by preconceived notions imposed upon them by others, commonly men. Within this context, different groups of women have experienced a spectrum of stereotypes, ranging from asexualization to sexualization, hypersexualization, and fetishization. In this week's newsletter, we are privileged to have Jess Gagui, OTD, OTR/L, a biracial Asian/Latina woman, collaborating with me to shed light on common experiences...

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The Nervous System & Pelvic Floor Go on a Date: Part 2 of a 3 Part Series

Generally, pelvic floor muscles (like any other muscle group in the body) can have hypotonic or hypertonic tendencies. Our nervous system plays a major role in managing muscle tone. If a client is living in a constant state of anxiety and stress or they find sex stressful, it’s likely their pelvic floor muscles will have a difficult time coordinating with the system.  Regulating the pelvic floor will be especially difficult during sex.  


Here are 3 suggestions to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and give the pelvic floor the needed messaging to relax:

Diaphragmatic Breathing: As we inhale, the diaphragm pushes down into the system to create room for the lungs to expand. As the diaphragm relaxes down, the pelvic floor muscles adjust accordingly to the intra-abdominal pressure within the system, and these muscles “drop” and lengthen as well. As we exhale, the pressure leaves the body and both the diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles...

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The Sex Lives of the Pelvic Floor: Part 1 of a 3 Part Series

Our pelvic floor muscles form the base of our spine and deep core. They wear many hats:  bladder and bowel elimination, sexual activity, support and stability, pressure management, and shock absorption. I often refer to this group of muscles as Grand Central Station: there are a million convoluted routes to take! There is a TON going on down there. Not only are there about 16-20 muscles, but numerous ligaments, tendons, nerves, and fascial connections that help us complete ADLs/IADLs without the very embarrassing occurrence of urinary or bowel leakage and passing gas uncontrollably. Carter et al. (2015) found that a strong and coordinated pelvic floor leads to enhanced sexual function and higher levels of sexual activity. To me, this is reason enough to learn about the backstage crew. 

Let’s talk about what roles these pelvic floor muscles & organs play in our favorite occupation - sex!


Before we start, we’ll get into the nitty-gritty with a quick...

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Debunking Reasons We Avoid Talking Sex After Spinal Cord Injury: Wrapping Up Our SCI Series

When it comes to discussing sexuality with our clients, occupational therapy practitioners (OTPs) and other healthcare providers can come up with all sorts of justifications not to. But here's the thing: most of these justifications have more to do with our own biases than with the clients themselves. It's time to challenge those biases and ask ourselves, "Why am I avoiding this conversation?"

Here are some common biases that hold us back from addressing sex:

"They have so many other things to worry about right now. Sex is probably the last thing on their mind." 

Look, we can't read minds. We have no idea what our clients are thinking unless we ask them. Just because they don't bring it up doesn't mean they don't have concerns. By initiating the conversation early on, we create a safe space for them to discuss their sexual well-being whenever they're ready.

"I don't want to offend them based on their background or beliefs." 

I've heard it all: "They're conservative,"...

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The Vital Role of OTs in Addressing Sex & Intimacy after SCI: Part Two of a Three Part Series


Welcome to the second part of our three-part series on addressing sexuality and intimacy after spinal cord injury (SCI). Today, we’ll delve deeper into the crucial role that Occupational Therapists (OTs) play in supporting individuals with SCI in this aspect of their lives. With their expertise and unique perspective, OTs can provide invaluable guidance and interventions to empower SCI patients and promote a positive and fulfilling sexual experience. The OT can be the shining light of comfort and advocacy! OTs are perfectly situated to lead these efforts in a clinical setting both for their patients and for the interdisciplinary team. Let's continue our exploration of the strategies and approaches that OTs employ in this domain.

Education and Understanding:

One of the primary responsibilities of OTs is to educate SCI patients about the impact of their injury on sexual health. By providing comprehensive education, OTs help individuals understand the changes in their...

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Sex & Intimacy After a Spinal Cord Injury: Part One of a Three Part Series

As Sexuality and Intimacy Trailblazers, we know that sexuality and intimacy are important parts of our lives, bringing us joy and enhancing our overall well-being. However, when someone experiences a spinal cord injury (SCI), these aspects can be profoundly affected. Today, we'll discuss when to address these topics, the impacts of SCI on sexual health, specific complications that can arise, and the role of occupational therapy in supporting individuals on this journey.

When to Address Sex and Intimacy:

So, the big question is: when should we start talking about sex and intimacy with SCI patients? 

The answer? at every point in their occupational therapy (OT) engagement! 

It's not about when exactly, but more about what to focus on depending on where the individual is in their injury timeline. In the inpatient setting, when people have recently experienced acute trauma, they may benefit from SCI sexuality education. On the other hand, those receiving outpatient care have...

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3 Things to Know About Sexuality and Intimacy: An Occupational Therapy Approach [New Textbook Announcement!]

"Sexuality and intimacy contain so much more than the act of sexual activity. Beyond the physical mechanics of “sexual activity,” sexual and intimate occupations encompass a broad range of personally meaningful activities for building intimate partnerships, developing a sense of self, actualizing desire, and experiencing pleasure.” - Ellis & Ungco, 2023.

TLDR: Love the quote, ready to order? Click here to order the textbook.

Want the back story? Read on...

In 2017, I sent the first email to AOTA Press pitching a new sexuality textbook. I wanted a sexuality textbook that infused OT’s moto of living life fully throughout the content. A textbook that celebrated and gave intervention strategies for thriving versus surviving. A textbook that wasn’t afraid to talk about pleasure and acknowledges OT’s role in intimate social skills. A textbook that offered a broad lens of sexuality reflective of our own personal realities and the...

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5 Things to Know About Sex Work

Occupational therapy professionals will work with clients who may hire sex workers or who would benefit from working with a sex worker.   


Here are 5 things OTs need to know to be prepared to address sex work with clients and to advocate for destigmatizing sex work:


  1. Sex work is work. Sex work is a consensual transaction between adults, where the act of selling or buying sexual services is not a violation of human rights. Sex work is an umbrella term that can include escort services, street-level sex workers, pornography, exotic dancing, massage, internet work, phone sex operators and third-party support (drivers, managers, bartenders etc.). Sex work is NOT sexual exploitation or trafficking. If the exchange is non consensual, it is violence, and is not considered sex work under the definitions of the World Health Organization.
    Like any career, sex work is deserving of respect, non-judgement, and professionalism. 
  2. Sex workers...
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