
[Research Spotlight] LGBTQIA+ Affirmative Care: Upholding Professional Responsibilities

I recently read an AJOT study that I couldn’t wait to share with you all as it shows the power of continuing education.

A study conducted last year by Bolding et al. (2022) examined the knowledge, clinical preparedness, and attitudinal awareness of occupational therapy practitioners, in regards to the LGBTQIA+ folks. This self-report study was broken down by category and found that on a scale of 1-7, respondents scored a mean of 4.7 in their Knowledge about queer populations, 4.4 in Clinical Preparedness, and 5.6 in Attitudinal Awareness.

There were a number of factors that contributed to respondents scoring significantly higher in all three sub-scales, including a graduate degree in OT, past or present experience in mental health settings, or respondents with a close friend or family member who identifies as SGM (sexual gender minorities e.g., agender, bisexual, gay, lesbian, gay, gender non-conforming, transgender). Academic preparedness and continuing education...

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Sexual Autonomy for OT Clients Post-Roe v Wade

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For the Kinksters

Something OT practitioners need to keep in mind as we (humbly) approach the topic of sex with clients is how people can have sex in countlessly different ways –many that may be unfamiliar to us, and some of ways that may even be considered…


Kink is a broad term that describes aspects of sexuality that fall outside of the mainstream ideas of sexuality. In more detail, The Kink Clinical Practice Guidelines Project defines kink as “…sexual identities, erotic behaviors, sexual interests and fantasies, relationship identities, relationship orientations, and relationship structures between consenting adults not accepted by the dominant culture. We specifically include BDSM (Bondage/Discipline,  Dominance/Submission, Sadism/Masochism), Leather, and Fetish as important parts of the umbrella term of kink” (p. 4). 

 The Kink Clinical Practice Guidelines Project is composed of a multidisciplinary team of healthcare providers, therapists,...

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How to Overcome Unconscious Sexual Bias

If you have a brain, you have a bias. Confronting our own biases is uncomfortable, but it is our ethical responsibility as occupational therapy professionals.  Considering how paramount reconciling our biases are to enhancing the therapeutic relationship and treatment efficacy, and reducing patient harm and health disparities...

Many of us weren't taught this in school.  

Welp, add it to the list of uncomfortable yet essential topics that were and are omitted from OT curriculum !  And it's a double whammy omission-effect when we combine this with sexuality. 

So what does this mean for OT professionals? 

We need to do the work to acknowledge our bias and make sure to include sexuality when doing so.  This is exactly my motivation behind my favorite CEU offering, "Guided Self-Reflection of Sexuality Values, Beliefs, Attitudes, and Biases" (see below section for more info).  We're all sexual beings with our own experiences and beliefs around...

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"5 Conversation Starters" for talking about sex with your clients + the blog right to your inbox!